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Hello Everyone,

This page is dedicated to our English-speaking guests. We apologize for the inconvenience, but the platform we're using doesn't allow for multiple language options. Rest assured, we'll consolidate all the essential information here. If you encounter any difficulties, please feel free to reach out to us. ❤️

  • RSVP - Confirming Your Attendance

To confirm your presence, simply click the "PRESENÇA" button on the home page and follow the steps below:

  1. First Page: Enter your name(s) as shown on the invitation and click "PROXIMO."

  2. Second Page: Enter the full name(s) of your guests and indicate if they are "Adult" or "Criança" (child). If you're bringing more than one guest, click "+Adicionar Convidado" and then "PROXIMO."

  3. Third and Final Page: Provide your phone number and click "PROXIMO."

  • Accommodation and More About the City

We'd like to recommend some excellent options for those of you planning to stay in a hotel during the wedding weekend. We will be staying at Hotel Intercity and have a special promocode for you: "ISSANAePAULO."

  1. Hotel Intercity: Book here

  2. Travel Inn Axten: Book here

  3. Sky Samuara Hotel: Book here

  4. Hotel Ibis: Book here: (;checkin=2024-02-23;checkout=2024-02-26;dest_id=-636693;dest_type=city;dist=0;group_adults=2;group_children=0;hapos=11;highlighted_blocks=71814501_271948571_2_2_0;hpos=11;matching_block_id=71814501_271948571_2_2_0;no_rooms=1;req_adults=2;req_children=0;room1=A%2CA;sb_price_type=total;sr_order=popularity;sr_pri_blocks=71814501_271948571_2_2_0__77220;srepoch=1688818926;srpvid=2b1756f6aedb0102;type=total;ucfs=1&#hotelTmpl

  5. Blue Tree Towers (City Centre - approximately 6 minutes from Intercity Hotel): Book here

  • About Caxias do Sul and the Region

The wedding will take place in a picturesque region known as "Serra Gaucha." Caxias do Sul, where the wedding is happening, is a vibrant city. You can learn more about it here: Caxias do Sul

In the same region, you'll discover the charming city of Bento Gonçalves, also known as the 'wine capital of Brazil' due to its vineyards and wine production: Bento Gonçalves

"Regiao das Hortensia" is another fantastic tourist destination in the vicinity: Regiao das Hortensia

  • Flights

If you're travelling from Ireland to Caxias do Sul, we understand that choosing the best flight can be overwhelming. We recommend taking a direct flight from Lisbon to Porto Alegre, although you'll need to drive an additional 2 hours to reach your destination. You can rent a car at the airport.

Alternatively, you could fly to Sao Paulo or Rio de Janeiro and then take a direct flight to Caxias do Sul, but this option may be more expensive. We know it can be challenging to make these decisions, so please don't hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance. We're always here to help.

  • Dresscode

Dress Code: Elegantly Formal

We are thrilled to have you join us on our special day, and we want the celebration to be as beautiful and memorable as possible. To help set the tone and create a timeless ambience, we kindly request that our guests attire themselves in elegantly formal attire.

For gentlemen, this typically means a formal suit with dress shoes. Ladies, we'd love to see you in your most stunning formal gowns or cocktail dresses, accessorized with your favourite accessories.

Our wedding will be a charming affair, and we believe that dressing formally will not only enhance the grandeur of the event but also add to the overall elegance and splendour. We can't wait to see you all looking your finest as we come together to celebrate this joyous occasion.

We look forward to celebrating this special occasion with you. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please reach out. Safe travels, and see you soon!